Why is industrial automation important?

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How important is industrial automation? It is widespread to hear that industrial automation is a crucial factor for companies, regardless of the kind of industry in which they are located. The truth is that several factors make the automation of industrial processes increasingly necessary.

These factors include efficiency and profitability, as today’s markets are highly competitive. For this reason, it is becoming necessary for companies to use any tool to provide a significant advantage over their competitors.

What is process automation?

To explain this simply, we can say that the automation of industrial processes consists of the whole machinery, the technological and physical equipment used to carry out production processes, and autonomous management, avoiding human interaction or intervention as much as possible.

One of the main objectives of industrial automation tools is to perform operational, systematic, and mechanical actions without the need for human personnel. This saves on the workforce and minimizes errors and inaccuracies when carrying out a productive task.

These qualities have made it possible to automate most production lines today. To achieve this, however, it is necessary to have the right combination of tools.

What are the advantages of industrial automation?

Processes, where several repetitive tasks must be carried out through industrial systems, are made more accessible. However, this is only one of many benefits that industrial automation can offer, so it is often difficult to summarize the advantages it can offer; nevertheless, these are some of them:

Reduce costs

Although we vaguely addressed this topic earlier, it is essential to say that cost reduction is one of the main advantages of the automated insertion machine. As they are managed through maintenance costs, these costs can be planned so that the return on investment can be seen.

Another important aspect is that it avoids common mistakes with human personnel. This is reflected in the savings of raw materials.

Improves quality

The previous point leads us to the next one, by avoiding errors that commonly occur during production, the quality of the product increases. In addition, the computer systems used to support the operation of the machinery make it easier to correct any kind of problem that may arise.

Industrial automation is also a great help in avoiding variability, a persistent problem in production chains.

Increases productivity

Companies need to offer their employees adequate break times, especially for large production sites. However, with the automation of industrial processes, it is usually not necessary for teams to have these kinds of schedules, and work is not affected.

Increased safety

There are jobs where human personnel are forced to face risky tasks that can jeopardize their safety. However, the automation of industrial processes has made it easier to perform these tasks with the help of appropriate technological tools.

All of this helps to improve the safety of personnel and, at the same time, prevent accidents at work.

Flexibility and availability

For some companies, production quantities can fluctuate considerably from one season to the next, which is why flexible tools are necessary. This makes it easy to work with larger or smaller quantities as required, which is precisely why automation of industrial processes is recommended.

They provide the help you need at the right time, working only with the required quantities.

Reduce fatigue

Routine jobs are often very tiring for workers, and having the right system in place can significantly help. Implementing automation in areas where tasks are demanding for the human staff will help substantially reduce the workers’ effort.

Perform complex processes

Employees cannot perform specific processes because of how complicated they can be. For example, miniaturization processes, which is why it is necessary to use the help of industrial automation.

Should I automate industrial processes?

The truth is that no matter how small an advantage you have over the competition, automation can make significant changes. So if you want to have a chance in the industrial markets, you need this kind of help because process automation can make the difference between sticking around or pulling out.

Giving these tools a chance is an effective way to acquire more possibilities to keep growing significantly if you consider competing with brands that offer the same products as you but invest fewer resources.

In addition, industrial automation is necessary today to ensure excellence in production processes. Companies can obtain products suitable for the consumer with all the required certifications.

In conclusion, it is necessary to automate factories to have the same opportunities as other companies. Otherwise, it will not be possible to keep up with the hectic pace of the market.

AMS is a leader in factory automation, which is why we have been able to characterize ourselves over time by offering quality products and services—driven by the latest technology so that our customers can achieve profitable growth.

One of our main characteristics is to think one step ahead and evolve, so we handle advanced products and services. At AMS, we are aware of today’s issues. That’s why we offer environmentally friendly products and solutions for the manufacturing industries.


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