What Is The Importance Of AGV System?

The automatic guided vehicle system is an integral part of companies that want to transport goods without the need for human labor. Material handling, control, and transfer must be efficient within the industry. Therefore, this equipment is the perfect solution for logistic management's heavy, mechanical, or repetitive tasks.

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The automatic guided vehicle system is an integral part of companies that want to transport goods without the need for human labor. Material handling, control, and transfer must be efficient within the industry. Therefore, this equipment is the perfect solution for logistic management’s heavy, mechanical, or repetitive tasks.

What is the function of AGVs?

AGVs, as their name suggests, are automated guided vehicles that transport material with the singularity that they do not need a driver to operate.

Thanks to the AGV system, processes can be optimized in warehouses and industrial installations. These systems are coded in advance to follow precise instructions for the route to transport some material from point A to point B. Therefore, it is evident that this offers a significant advantage in the productivity and mobilization of merchandise or packages.

How these AGV systems communicate and control is through the use of WI-FI, GPRD, or RFID. This is undoubtedly a technological and innovative advance, mainly when you can perform some actions, such as changing the route or giving any instruction and receiving answers almost immediately, giving you the confidence that you won’t need to stop production unnecessarily.


The design components of these systems are:

  • Mobile components: fortunately, AGV systems do not need any crew or someone to operate them manually. However, it is still a vehicle, so each model relies on a basic mobile frame. These are usually steerable axle systems.
  • Guidance system: Every vehicle has a control system that allows it to understand the transport route and navigate safely along it. As mentioned above, these routes can be modified almost instantly.
  • Impulse equipment: This can be a motor or other power equipment.
  • Battery: The AGV system uses sealed batteries that, in addition to being rechargeable, have excellent safety. The durability of the batteries is sufficient for a full day, and to complement this, it can go to its recharging area.
  • Sensors: The automated guided vehicle sensors allow it to understand its surroundings more accurately, measure its speed, orient itself, detect possible failures or collisions, and communicate with other equipment around it.
  • Tool: Each AGV performs a specific task, so depending on its work area, it will need from a robotic hand to a balancing tray to transport any material.
  • Control panel: This refers to an external control panel that allows the operator to carry out maintenance, configuration, and control tasks that need to be done manually.


What are the competitive advantages it offers?

The AGV systems offer advantages in the logistic handling of inventory more straightforwardly and safely, avoiding that you have to make expenses for any mistake that could be made by the human hand.

Investing in these systems in a world where technology is advancing fast and always looking to save complex and heavy work is almost a requirement that any company or industry dedicated to production or warehousing should do.

AGVs save energy during your processes and are more precise in handling materials in a millimetric way. This energy saving saves you from having to worry about any unnecessary expenses.

Innovative AGV systems in AMS

At AMS, we have this and other automation systems for companies dedicated to producing or storing goods and parcels.

Our technologies advance with the world and its needs. We make our products green technologies to care for the environment and save any type of energy, whether it is water, light, material, etc.

We offer factory automation services, such as robotic equipment for complex tasks that the eye and human labor cannot reach, with beneficial results and an integrated safety system that will only need one person for maintenance.


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Our operations are international, however, our main branch is conveniently located in San Diego, California. It is close to one of the busiest international borders in the world.

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