How Can Cobots Improve Production Quality Inspection?

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How Can Cobots Improve Production Quality Inspection?

Companies dedicated to production have several processes necessary to carry out day-to-day orders. However, among all the processes a company can count on, one of the most important is quality inspection. The high demands of today’s consumers have led companies to invest in innovating these processes to meet market demand.

The Importance of Quality Inspection in Production

Ensuring that a company operates optimally has become necessary in organizations because to respond to an increasingly competitive market with more demanding consumers, it is essential to eradicate any margin of error during production. Ensuring output quality will reduce losses due to defects in products and services.

If actions are not taken to ensure that products and services meet what they offer, there may be a loss in other factors beyond the monetary. A defective product may cause the customer’s perception of the company to be affected. If this were to happen, building customer loyalty would take much longer and be more complicated. Re-engaging customers after delivering a product that does not meet their expectations may be impossible.

Adapting and implementing new quality processes in production means looking for a company’s short- and long-term success because investment is strongly linked to growth, profitability, and productivity. 

The Challenges of Traditional Quality Inspection Methods

As mentioned repeatedly, what is sought in the quality inspection is the verification of some characteristics relating to the manufacture of a part or product to meet the required conditions.

Therefore, one of the most common challenges of these traditional methods involves implementing a new quality inspection process in production, which can take days, weeks, or even months. This is partly because, during this time, the “trial and error” method is implemented, which increases costs since it is very common for defective products to be produced.

Although these traditional methods are still used, little by little, technologies have helped to analyze these methods less diligently, and on the contrary, they offer instantaneous, optimal, and efficient results.

The Advantages of Using Cobots for Quality Inspection

Cobots are extremely important in quality inspection. Cobots are collaborative robots employed to execute industrial processes that could be difficult or even seem impossible to human labor, either in repetitive, manual processes or that endanger the organization’s workers.

Many companies invest and prefer using these cobots (collaborative robots) in their industrial processes providing great benefits, including accuracy and optimization, which ultimately results in a production line of higher quality and productivity. This new industrial revolution has meant that this generation of robots has been born to work with operators with the idea of adapting them to different work processes more efficiently. Robotics is not only a tool that facilitates the performance of tasks that human labor is incapable of doing, but even these same robots adapt to changes in the environment and the needs of an organization.

Beyond offering the guarantee of minimizing production errors, Cobots have a safety system that stops its operation in case of any intervention by human labor to avoid accidents. Even if the robot is touched, if there is an intervention between the robot and the part to be placed, or if you want to change its position, its system allows gathering data to adapt to this new environment.

Real-World Applications of Cobots in Quality Inspection

The use of cobots is not a recent development; in fact, these robotic systems have been used since the last century; the difference is that with the rapid advancement of technology, today’s companies have been able to facilitate the implementation of these cobots.

A prominent example of the use of cobots is in the automotive industry. As is known, the automotive industry is one of the industries that has most needed the implementation of these industrial systems because it would be possible for a person to paint or make the parts of a car massively to meet so much demand. Therefore, cobots have facilitated the assembly, painting, and even welding of all those parts needed to eradicate any error. All this while collecting data and promptly detecting any damaged part.


AMS, Your Best Ally

Cobots are currently one of the best investments a production company could make. That is why in AMS, we have industrial allies capable of performing processes that conventional labor can be impossible to perform consistently. Manufactured with green technology, check how our collaborative robot will help make the production process effective and save on resources such as water, electricity, and energy, among others that these systems may need, all this while contributing to the conservation of the environment.

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