The benefits of having green automated systems.

Table of contents

What is an automation system, and how does it work?

Automation systems are computers and technologies programmed to intervene in processes that human labor is not capable of reaching. This way, errors that may happen during a procedure are drastically minimized. An example is the use of a collaborative robot to assemble a part or product.

The time of the processes and tasks is minimized since several people’s intervention is not as necessary. Even if there is an error, the response is much faster due to the integrated programs.

What is a green automation system?

This kind of manufacturing works in the same way as conventionally manufactured systems, with the difference being eco-friendly, thus reducing the contamination caused by conventional processes, and at the same time, being made of 100% recyclable materials.

By reducing pollution, we are also talking about using methods to operate with the same speed as usual but avoiding wasting extra energy. 

This new technology has been applied in other autonomous devices such as mobile autonomous robots, laser machines, assembly machines, etc.

Benefits offered by this new technology

Implementing this technology provides long-term operational and financial benefits to the company. Investing in environmentally friendly machinery will guarantee that your expenses will be reduced, which by logic ensures better company sustainability.

When we talk about “cost reduction,” we mean that the implemented machinery will use less energy in the processes without affecting productivity: saving electricity, water, gas, or any other raw material needed.

The best part is that its functionality is still as effective and even better than with traditional machinery since it also helps to minimize the common mistakes made by human labor more accurately, providing greater security in the development of projects and procedures that would be impossible for the human eye and hand to perform. To mention an example: placing circuits and components on a motherboard.

Modern technology for modern times

This new range of industrial automation systems has everything you would want. They are lighter and, at the same time, more substantial. Although some of the material they are made of is recyclable, they have the same and/or even more durability than traditional systems.

In addition, during these modern times where issues such as climate change or environmental impacts have become increasingly stronger, you can take advantage and implement this technology to give your company a better social image, which would bring you a new and wide array of benefits.

However, as with all software, you need a person who has basic knowledge in the management of these systems because although the machinery is already programmed to act in case of any error, you must always have someone to supervise the intervention and operation of the same are being carried out correctly.

AMS supports this new technology

At AMS, we are committed to bringing the most innovative in robotics, automation, and intralogistics products. We are a company with a wide enough customer base to ensure that our products are present in several companies involved in industrial processes.  

Our products are guaranteed to be environmentally friendly, such that industrial automation companies in California have decided to change their systems and products to green technology.


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Our operations are international, however, our main branch is conveniently located in San Diego, California. It is close to one of the busiest international borders in the world.

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