The Importance of AGV Maintenance: Tips and Best Practices

Correct agv maintenance will allow these vehicles to operate without difficulty; in fact, this type of maintenance will extend the longevity of this industrial ally and its optimal performance.

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The Importance of AGV Maintenance: Tips and Best Practices

Automated guided vehicles are one of the best ways to automate processes that can be dangerous for conventional labor. Thanks to the fourth industrial revolution, maximizing operations and activities that are usually routine is possible.

Automated guided vehicles move autonomously, usually transporting materials or goods. They are managed, guided, and controlled by a control panel in the areas designated for their functions. 

Despite being a modern ally in this process, it is often overlooked that these vehicles need agv maintenance to avoid future mishaps.

Correct agv maintenance will allow these vehicles to operate without difficulty; in fact, this type of maintenance will extend the longevity of this industrial ally and its optimal performance.

The Benefits of Proper AGV Maintenance

Proper agv maintenance ensures safety for the personnel and at the same time advantage for the other equipment involved in the processes since it prevents these guided vehicles from having failures or possible damages that prevent their correct operation.

On the other hand, proper agv maintenance maximizes efficiency and productivity in operations. Waiting for failures to occur can represent production delays, so continuous maintenance will always be the best option.

This translates into reduced downtime and reduced costs associated with repairs and replacements. If proper agv maintenance is given in a consecutive way, the probability of having some unforeseen event affecting the processes will be lower.

Components of AGVs Requiring Maintenance

For optimal agv maintenance, a series of processes are carried out to analyze the condition of certain components that make up the guided automation vehicles.

The first thing that is analyzed is the control panel or the guidance system. This type of maintenance is done with the objective that the agv reacts correctly to the orders that are made regardless of the distance that this is located from the control panel.

The engines and propulsion systems are necessary during this agv maintenance since they are why the vehicle can move without any altercation. In other words, the engine will give power to the AGV so that it can transport the goods quickly and efficiently.

The batteries and their power supply are important during agv maintenance, as good maintenance will allow the vehicles to continue to have the ability to transport themselves to their power sources autonomously.

As an important point, the wheels and tires of the AGVs should be checked. This is part of the routine maintenance; even the organization’s own technicians can perform this type of maintenance and change the tire if necessary.

To finalize this process of agv maintenance, it will be necessary to revise the fundamental sensors for it to move. These sensors also allow it to communicate with the other AGVs so that there is no accident, such as a collision between these vehicles.

AGV Maintenance Best Practices

Agv maintenance is categorized into four classifications, each intended to ensure an important part of this vehicle. These classifications are:

  • Regular Inspection and Cleaning: Proper inspection and cleaning of these vehicles will be important so that dust or lint does not accumulate inside and affect their optimal operation.

This agv maintenance, as its name suggests, is periodic; it can be weekly, biweekly, or monthly, as the process of this inspection will not take much time; in fact, it is so fast and simple that it won’t affect the operational processes within the organization.

  • Preventative Maintenance: Preventive agv maintenance is one of the most important because, as its name says, it aims to prevent future failures in this equipment.

This preventive maintenance can be performed periodically every six months. The benefit offered is long-term since this part of the maintenance is responsible for extending the useful life of the AGV preventing future affectations.

  • Predictive Maintenance: Unlike preventive maintenance, predictive maintenance is based on an asset’s current state of operation and not on previously defined statistics and schedules.

Predictive maintenance is not done periodically like preventive maintenance since it analyzes equipment failures or future failures and warns technicians of these possible effects. In other words, it is based on previously analyzed data.

  • Corrective Maintenance: Finally, corrective maintenance, which is also often referred to as reactive or breakdown maintenance, is the one that is performed when a failure has occurred, making it necessary to repair the equipment.

AGV Maintenance Challenges and Solutions.

Some of the problems related to the maintenance of AGVs are related to when an external person or the same personnel performs it without having experience in this type of vehicle.

This is a determining factor within the company since any damage done when modifying these vehicles would imply spending on new parts to make it work again or acquiring a completely new AGV.

This is why it is important to partner with an agv maintenance supplier with the knowledge and experience necessary to carry out these procedures and ensure they can be properly maintained.

AMS, Your AGV Ally

Correct maintenance of the AGVs will ensure that the production lines within the company do not have affectations that could affect the time of the processes or endanger the safety of the personnel and the company in general.

AGVs are useful in companies dedicated to different areas, such as production or storage. That is why AMS has an automated guided vehicle perfect for your needs.

Being manufactured with green technology means having an industrial ally working efficiently and accurately while caring for the environment. These vehicles reduce the consumption of raw materials such as electricity, water, energy, etc., which implies a lower expenditure in the payment of these resources.

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