Intergrated Magazine & Vacuum Loader

  • Intergrated Magazine & Vacuum Loader
  • Intergrated Magazine & Vacuum Loader

This unit used to load both bare board and the PCB from Magazine to next process in the production line.

    ■ Features
  • Bare board loading at rear position : reduced length of production line
  • SMEMA Interface
  • Stable design
  • Perfect fixing with 4 Magazine fixture
  • Easy operation by user-friendly operation panel
  • Decreased noise while Magazine moves up/down
  • PCB pushing guide
  • Buzzer, LED tower light
    ■ Options
  • Acceptance for 2 different sizes of Magazine
  • Touch screen
  • High speed magazine change-over time
  • Aux. buffer Conveyor
  • Intergrated Magazine & Vacuum Loader

    AMS Profile Video